Attract more eyeballs

and attention online

Stop cobwebs quietly collecting on the content in your little corner of the internet.

  • Have no idea how to get the attention you know your work deserves?

  • STOP SPENDING HOURS making great content that doesn’t get the likes, clicks or shares you expect

  • Discover these 6 secrets of online visibility to get the attention your work deserves.

Turn your storytelling superpowers into online success

Make better use of the time you spend online

FACT ONE: The online space is crowded.

FACT TWO: Free, low quality information steals people’s time and attention.

FACT THREE: Quality stories and communications is being lost in the noise because experts are failing to harness the power of content strategy.

A content visibility machine is the solution. It will ensure your copy, media releases, social media, emails and website materials deliver the results you’ve been missing.

Abillboard saying publishing content and hoping it will go viral is not strategy - it's wishful thinking

Act now to learn how to get more clicks, views & followers

Stop making content that lives and dies in less than 24 hours.

Invest a teensy bit more time in planning your audience, search terms and social promotion to skyrocket your engagement.

Start using the 6 secrets of online visibility to plan better ways to build audiences, clients and business results that matter.

Created by Alex Brooks


With decades of experience building audiences, brands and producing great content, Alex Brooks is a content strategy consultant that knows how to execute results.

As editor of consumer rights group CHOICE, she saw what it took to build a 7-figure-plus paid content subscription business. She was also the Executive Editor of Australia’s largest parenting website, building that brand into a lifestyle giant purchased by News Corp.

Alex has since helped countless brands, businesses and creators understand the secrets of creating compelling content that delivers great business results.

Be noticed online

Build bigger audiences

Power of planning

Easier. Smarter. Better ♡