Inclusion & Diversity
1. Words are powerful. Use them with kindness.
Be polite and friendly in every form of communication.
Be mindful of tone of voice. (It’s so easy to misunderstand online comments, emails and messages - that’s why emojis were invented).
2. Different beliefs and experiences enrich us all - here’s how to be inclusive
Everyone loves a rich tone of voice, but sometimes it can be too hard for others to feel included. Appreciate each others differences.
Try not to use too much slang, in-house jokes or idioms that don’t translate across cultures or other experiences.
Avoid jargon, acronyms and non-inclusive language.
3. Respect is a two-way street (and you can always scroll on!)
We value all contributions are valued. Asking for feedback is always good - so is giving feedback.
If a post or comment doesn’t relate to you, appeal to you or interest you, handle it with respect or choose to scroll on.
Thank others for their advice and tips, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.
4. Be generous
We create spaces where people feel comfortable to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives.
Offer to help if you see someone struggling. Pay it forward or suggest someone else who could assist.
5. Be open to belonging
Support each other to participate so they feel like they belong. This helps everyone to be more engaged and motivated.
You feel a stronger sense of belonging when you participate. Feeling you don’t belong can be tough so start small by connecting with one or two others.
When you feel trusted and respected, you’re more likely to speak freely and voice your opinions
6. No bullying or hate speech
Every member, contributor and commenter has the right to feel safe from being bullied and harassed. This includes unwanted and unwelcome words, actions, gestures, or behaviours that make someone feel uncomfortable.
This includes but is not limited to:
Racism or racial or ethnic slurs
Sexist comments
Homophobic or transphobic comments or slurs
Negative comments about people with disabilities
Negative comments or discrimination based on age or family role
Discriminatory comments against members of religious groups
7. No exclusivity - joy and connection matters for everyone
Be mindful of the language you use. Strive to use inclusive language at all times. Clarity is also a bonus!
All questions are good questions. Allow people to freely say, “I don’t know”, “I don’t understand” or “Why?”.
Content Renegade Pty Ltd. welcomes your questions or comments
Content Renegade.
2 23 Foster St
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 AUSTRALIA