Daylight Robbery trailer
Sharks lurk across our coast and in our economy
Tens of thousands of Australians have had their savings plundered - no alarms, no sirens
As a wealthy country with expensive homes and valuable superannuation savings, we have a target on our back
We’re losing billions - more per person than Britain or the United States
“Victims are suffering massive depression and I’ve heard of cases where victims are committing suicide”
Digital bank robbery is stealing first home deposits, life insurance payouts, divorce settlements and entire retirement savings
Most of us know its wrong to hold a gun to someone’s head and rob a bank. Yet it’s happening everyday here in Australia
Our bank accounts are being looted by organised crime operating at an industrial scale
Artificial intelligence, robocalls, stolen data and fake emails and SMSes are robbing Australians blind.
Our laws let them get away with it. Our police are powerless to stop it.
Banks want to tell you it's the big bad tech companies that are to blame.
This is a crime story where you can’t spot the bad guys from the good.
It’s a story where any one of us who banks online can win the lottery, but in reverse.
Our stolen wealth is being ripped from our shores to fund slavery, crime and terrorism
It’s leaving Australians eviscerated, betrayed and financially ruined.
Daylight robbery explains how it happens - and why your savings might be next